GMOs: Unmasking the Global CharadeWith Jeffrey M. Smith, Claire Hope Cummings M.A., J.D., Steven Drucker J.D.
The Health Team at The Real Truth About Health.comwebsite:
Special 10 Day Conference coming September 9-18, 2016
According to this panel, knowing what’s in your food is a luxury many of us take for granted. What trip to the grocery store does not involve an examination of the ingredients in the food we feed our families?
We look at such things because we care about our health and the health of our loved ones. So why are so many multinational companies seeking to prevent our government from enforcing laws that require that we are informed about what’s in our food where it comes from?
The sad fact is that GMO foods is big business and for some increasing profits trump what is best for the health of our families. But the good news is that the more people learn about the dangers of GMO foods, the greater the market response for non-GMO foods becomes.
Don’t leave yourself uninformed; learn the dangers of GMO foods and don’t fall prey to the misinformation campaigns of giant conglomerates. GMOs are made by chemical companies whose goal is to profit from the use of herbicides and pesticides.
The health of your family ought to be a top priority, don’t leave the purity of your food in the hands chemical companies.
Take advantage of this free video and arm yourself with the facts you need to help keep our food supply safe and healthy.
Watch this video now. Click here.
About This Panel:
Jeffrey Smith is the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. Jeffrey’s meticulous research documents how biotech companies continue to mislead legislators and safety officials to put the health of society at risk and the environment in peril. His work expertly summarizes why the safety assessments conducted by the FDA and regulators worldwide teeter on a foundation of outdated science and false assumptions, and why genetically engineered foods must urgently become our nation’s top food safety priority.
Claire Hope Cummings M.A., J.D., is an environmental lawyer, journalist, and the award winning author of Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds (Beacon Press) which won the American Book Award and the book of the year award from the Society for Economic Botany. Claire’s stories focus on the environmental and political implications of how we eat and how food and farming reconnects us to each other, to the places where we live, and the extraordinary knowledge of land based peoples. Claire brings over three decades of broad experience in agriculture to her work.
Steven Druker J.D., is a public interest attorney who founded the Alliance for Bio-Integrity, and as its executive director, organized a lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that forced it to divulge its files on genetically engineered (GE) foods. This revealed that politically appointed administrators had covered up the extensive warnings of their own scientists about the unusual risks of these foods, lied about the facts, and then ushered these novel products onto the market in violation of explicit mandates of federal food safety law.
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The link for the video is here: http://www. 2015-conference-replays/watch/ 68/claire-hope-cummings-ma-jd- steven-drucker-and-jeffrey-m- smith-gmos-unmasking-the- global-charade
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