Citizens Call for GMO Labeling in Washington
07 January 13, 2013

If you aren't concerned about GMOs, or think that
foods aren't labeled due to a lack of support over the issue, think
again. In addition to being linked to weight gain and disrupting vital
organs like the liver,
GMO foods have actually been shown to cause massive tumors in rats, in addition to causing early death. Even more concerning is the fact that nearly 80% of the US food supply
contains GMO ingredients. Ingredients that are likely created by
biotech giant Monsanto, who is responsible for upwards of 90 plus
percent of the world's GM seed supply.
Perhaps this is why grassroots movements are popping up all around the country, and other nations have already taken a stand
against GMOs. Despite the largest GMO labeling campaign Prop 37 taking a
dive (due to false advertising and quite possibly questionable vote
counting), still over 90 percent of citizens in the United States are heavy supporters of GMO labeling legislation.
Will the interest of Washington citizens win this campaign? One county in Washington, San Juan, has already succeeded in banning GMOs - at least to a degree. The residents helped pass Initiative Measure No. 2012-4
late last year that makes it illegal to "propagate, cultivate, raise or
grow plants, animals and other organisms which have been genetically
modified." Despite not effecting GMO products in stores, it's still a
step in the right direction for Washington citizens. It should also be
noted that citizens of Washington have also helped pass one of the first
amendments allowing for the recreational use of marijuana - another
move that shouts 'we demand individual rights' by the people.
In the end, every act toward the labeling of GMOs
brings us one step closer to winning the fight for these rights (and an
overall ban on the disease-linked creations). California's Prop 37 may
not have passed, but the bill, along with the Washington bill and every
other GMO labeling bill, are necessary stepping stones for both labeling
of GMOs and the essential 'right to know'.
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