Friday, February 25, 2011


 The Truth About Frankenfoods
posted by Michelle Schoffro Cook Feb 24, 2011 5:01 pm

Would you knowingly eat a potato that needs to be transported in hazardous waste containers since every cell contains pesticides? This isn’t food terrorism (at least not the kind we recognize as a crime); this is what passes as improvements to our food supply. Perhaps one day we will learn that we can’t improve on nature.
From Flavr Savr tomatoes to Roundup Ready Soybeans, genetically modified foods are being manufactured and unleashed on an unsuspecting public whether we are ready for them or not. The Grocery Manufacturers of America estimates that 75 percent of all processed foods in America contain a genetically modified ingredient.
Governments worldwide should have insisted on extensive safety testing of genetically modified ingredients before allowing them to be unleashed on an unsuspecting public. But according to an article entitled, “Health Risks of Genetically-Modified Foods” by Dr. Joseph Mercola, the U.S. FDA even states, “The FDA has not found it necessary to conduct comprehensive scientific reviews of foods derived from bioengineered plants … consistent with its 1992 policy.”
Genetically modified (GM) foods are big business in North America, particularly in the United States. They are also supported in Brazil and to a certain extent in Asia. Europe has been appropriately cautious in its approach to GM foods and to date has limited access to the European market, much to the frustration of U.S. business. There is a very real threat that this could change in the near future.

Recent media reporting has raised the issue of food shortages as crops are diverted to bio-fuel production. In theory, replacing fossil fuels with plant-based alternatives seems like a great idea, and eventually, technology may provide solutions that do not affect the food supply, cause widespread damage to land cleared for “fuel crops,” or wipe out indigenous species for the sake of high-yield bio-fuel species.
Supporters of GM foods are exploiting this “crisis” by insisting genetically engineered crops are the only way to deal with the food shortage, to ensure crops can grow on tired, nutrient-weak, drought-susceptible soil (all signs of over-farming and potentially climate-change factors). Lobbyists have seen a crack in Europe’s closed door and they have stuck their foot in. Let us hope that the European nations stick to their guns —GM foods have become a global, uncontrolled experiment. The long-term impact is unknown and companies like Monsanto are happy to keep the public and farmers in the dark (and stuck to elaborate non-disclosure contracts, royalties on seed patents and IPR-intellectual property rights- placing ALL LIABILITY on the farmer, NOT THE SELLER of SEED, PESTICIDE, HERBICIDE, that the farmer is REQUIRED BY CONTRACT TO DOUSE ON THE CROPS) playing on their fears of food scarcity, poor harvests, or employing more ominous tactics.
Did you know 18 percent of all genetically modified seeds have been engineered to produce their own pesticides? That alone makes foods grown from these seeds potentially harmful, but there’s more: Research shows that these seeds may continue producing pesticides inside your body once you’ve eaten the food grown from them! Those potatoes are sounding even less appetizing now, aren’t they?
Adapted with permission from The Life Force Diet by Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD.
5 Crazy and New Genetically Modified Foods
First GM Plants Found in the Wild
How to Avoid GM Foods
Michelle Schoffro Cook, MSc, RNCP, ROHP, PhD, is an international best-selling and seven-time book author and doctor of traditional natural medicine, whose works include: The Life Force Diet, The Ultimate pH Solution, The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan, The Phytozyme Cure and HealthSmart News. Learn more at


  1. Thanks for useful information. It is very important for us. Today's world is facing the dilemma of food shortage. Population growth, alternate use of edibles, the skirmishes between the food program workers and the hungry warring factions, climate changes due to pollution, shortage of supply and above all the energy crises are the issues that are not only difficult to solve but also reversely affect each other. If one issue is resolved the other is catalyzed by this redemption. If we try control the pollution by using the corn and other edibles the ozone layer is saved but the humanity is harmed due to shortage of food.


  2. Thank you so much... i didnt have the knowledge in this now i get an idea about this.. thks a lot:-)

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