Even if you've
called in the past, CALL AGAIN TODAY! And get everyone you know to do
the same. Armchair activism isn't enough -- you need to pick up the
phone! I've spoken to far too many Assemblymembers who say they've
barely heard from their constituents by phone (and they don't seem to
care very much about all the "robo" emails they get when you sign onto letters written by others). So we need up make more calls.
I can't stress enough how good a job the biotech and big food lobbyists have been doing in Albany convincing our legislators to keep us in the dark. I hear their b.s. talking points coming out of the mouths of our elected officials over and over again! So we need to fight back NOW by drowning out their b.s.!
STEP 1. Find out who your Assemblymember is: http:// and make note of their ALBANY office phone number.
STEP 2: See if they are already a cosponsor of bill A.617 (check the list below). If yes, go to Step 3. If no, go to Step 4.
STEP 3: If they ARE a cosponsor, call their ALBANY office, identify yourself as a constituent, and say something like: "Thank you for supporting GMO labeling by cosponsoring bill A.617. However, the bill has not moved since it was voted out of the Consumer Affairs committee over two months ago and session is almost over. I need to know if the food I'm buying is GMO -- it's unacceptable that we're all being kept in the dark about something as fundamental as the way our food is being produced because of corporate interests. Would you please talk to Speaker Heastie and ask him to bring the bill to a floor vote? Thank you!"
STEP 4: If they are NOT a cosponsor, call their ALBANY office, identify yourself as a constituent, and say something like, "I need to know if the food I'm buying is made with GMOs -- it's unacceptable that we're all being kept in the dark about something as fundamental as the way our food is being produced because of corporate interests. Please cosponsor bill A.617 this session and help bring it to a floor vote. Thank you!"
STEP 5: If you got an answer one way or the other, please post a comment below.
Bill A.617
Sponsor: Linda Rosenthal
Cosponsors: Abinanti, Arroyo, Barron, Benedetto, Bichotte, Blake, Braunstein, Brennan, Brindisi, Brook-Krasny, Ceretto, Clark, Colton, Cook, Crespo, Curran, Davila, Dinowitz, Englebright, Fahy, Farrell, Galef, Glick, Goldfeder, Gottfried, Hevesi, Jaffee, Jean-Pierre, Kaminsky, Katz, Kavanagh, Kearns, Kim, Lavine, Lentol, Lifton, Linares, Lopez, Magnarelli, Markey, Mayer, McDonald, Mosley, Moya, Murray, Nolan, Ortiz, Otis, Paulin, Peoples-Stokes, Perry, Persaud, Pichardo, Quart, Ramos, Rivera, Roberts, Robinson, Rodriguez, Rozic, Schimel, Seawright, Sepulveda, Simon, Simotas, Skartados, Steck, Thiele, Walker, Weinstein, Weprin
I can't stress enough how good a job the biotech and big food lobbyists have been doing in Albany convincing our legislators to keep us in the dark. I hear their b.s. talking points coming out of the mouths of our elected officials over and over again! So we need to fight back NOW by drowning out their b.s.!
STEP 1. Find out who your Assemblymember is: http://
STEP 2: See if they are already a cosponsor of bill A.617 (check the list below). If yes, go to Step 3. If no, go to Step 4.
STEP 3: If they ARE a cosponsor, call their ALBANY office, identify yourself as a constituent, and say something like: "Thank you for supporting GMO labeling by cosponsoring bill A.617. However, the bill has not moved since it was voted out of the Consumer Affairs committee over two months ago and session is almost over. I need to know if the food I'm buying is GMO -- it's unacceptable that we're all being kept in the dark about something as fundamental as the way our food is being produced because of corporate interests. Would you please talk to Speaker Heastie and ask him to bring the bill to a floor vote? Thank you!"
STEP 4: If they are NOT a cosponsor, call their ALBANY office, identify yourself as a constituent, and say something like, "I need to know if the food I'm buying is made with GMOs -- it's unacceptable that we're all being kept in the dark about something as fundamental as the way our food is being produced because of corporate interests. Please cosponsor bill A.617 this session and help bring it to a floor vote. Thank you!"
STEP 5: If you got an answer one way or the other, please post a comment below.
Bill A.617
Sponsor: Linda Rosenthal
Cosponsors: Abinanti, Arroyo, Barron, Benedetto, Bichotte, Blake, Braunstein, Brennan, Brindisi, Brook-Krasny, Ceretto, Clark, Colton, Cook, Crespo, Curran, Davila, Dinowitz, Englebright, Fahy, Farrell, Galef, Glick, Goldfeder, Gottfried, Hevesi, Jaffee, Jean-Pierre, Kaminsky, Katz, Kavanagh, Kearns, Kim, Lavine, Lentol, Lifton, Linares, Lopez, Magnarelli, Markey, Mayer, McDonald, Mosley, Moya, Murray, Nolan, Ortiz, Otis, Paulin, Peoples-Stokes, Perry, Persaud, Pichardo, Quart, Ramos, Rivera, Roberts, Robinson, Rodriguez, Rozic, Schimel, Seawright, Sepulveda, Simon, Simotas, Skartados, Steck, Thiele, Walker, Weinstein, Weprin